by Little StarsYesterday (March28) The cast for "Rolling Love" or " 翻滾吧!蛋炒飯" has finally done filming! To celbrate the finishing the whole cast and crew would hold a small celebration banquet for their success. "I actually would miss the cast because everyone had a lot of fun and we have build up a really good communication with each other. I think we have really learned and grown up a lot through the time of filming. Said Jiro.

The director of the drama was known to be the most strict and picky person out of the whole crew. Xiao Xun ( from Hei Se Hui Mei Mei) was one of his victims who were constantly being yelled at. "I know that you care for me very much but you dont have to be that mean sometimes." She said fake crying. Genie, the female leading role said: "I will miss the cast very much because we really had a lot of great times together cooperating for this drama. The drama is said to be airing at the end of April. The cast and crew all hope that the drama will be successful with high veiwing levels!
The director of the drama was known to be the most strict and picky person out of the whole crew. Xiao Xun ( from Hei Se Hui Mei Mei) was one of his victims who were constantly being yelled at. "I know that you care for me very much but you dont have to be that mean sometimes." She said fake crying. Genie, the female leading role said: "I will miss the cast very much because we really had a lot of great times together cooperating for this drama. The drama is said to be airing at the end of April. The cast and crew all hope that the drama will be successful with high veiwing levels!